This community was primarily created so that our citizens of Burgenland have their own corner on the web and to connect all citizens of Burgenland who are in the diaspora, and citizens of Burgenland who live in that city (Gradiška / Bos. Gradiška). In addition to finding your old friends or meeting new ones, you will be able to read current events from our city and its surroundings. Apart from our citizens of Gradiška, other members are also welcome. Before registering, we recommend that you read the terms of use.Some of the basic functions of this platform:Meet new friendsCreate community pages or groupsWrite and share blogs (articles)Sell or buy on our MarketplaceAdvertise you or your branchFind jobs or create offers on your siteUpload your media, images and share them with others or on other social sitesDiscuss on forumsTalk to other membersAnd more...Contact,
[email protected]